Dreamers Military Service - Space Force Rangers take the oath of enlistment during a basic military training graduation ceremony, Dis. 10, 2020, at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas. Credit: US Air Force
Space Force met its goal of recruiting nearly 400 caregivers last year. Next year, the target number has been increased to 500.
Dreamers Military Service
WASHINGTON - Military employers today are challenged by demographics that reflect a shrinking pool of young people fit and ready to work.
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As a new military service, the US Space Force is still working on a recruiting strategy to attract the best and brightest. The results so far are promising, said Maj. Gen. Ed Thomas, commander of the Air Force Recruiting Service.
, Thomas described the Space Force as a "small and high-powered force" that requires a non-traditional recruitment method.
The Air Force Recruiting Service at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, supports the Air Force and the Space Force. Last year, it reached its goal of recruiting nearly 400 astronauts, as members of the Space Force are known. This year the target number has been increased to 500.
Another important factor is how small it is compared to other branches of the military. The Space Force is expected to have 16,000 uniformed maintainers, compared to nearly 680,000 in the U.S. Air Force.
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The Space Force relies on the Air Force for much of its administrative and ground support, so it only hires people to fill specialized roles in satellite operations, intelligence and cyber security.
The Department of the Air Force has approximately 1,200 recruits assigned to 24 squadrons. Each group has a recruiter dedicated to the space force.
Although employers are facing negative demographics, the outlook for the space force is that there is more interest in space than the U.S. has seen. since the time of Apollo, Thomas said.
Space Force recruiters offer the traditional benefits of military jobs, but they also sell a big idea, Thomas said. This is evident in recent advertisements that show the importance of the space domain as the next frontier of national security and the role of space technology in everyday human life.
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The latest recruitment ad titled 'Defense' features the head of space operations, General John Raymond. One of his lines: "We are here to protect the freedom to operate in space, to be the guardians of our way of life."
Thomas said marketing research shows the message resonates with some members of Generation Z, the demographic Space Force is targeting in their early 20s.
"We have created a number of groups looking at how we communicate with Gen Z and encourage them," he said. "The idea of the Space Force protecting space for everyone is very appealing to them."
Under the model used by the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, candidates for enlistment are screened by regional recruiting offices, and each region of the country must meet certain standards for different job categories.
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Because the space force is so small, the recruitment and selection process is centralized and controlled at the national level, Thomas said.
Each applicant must pass a standardized Armed Services Vocational Aptitude (ASVAB) test. Space Force candidates also take a personality test called the "Adaptive Personality Assessment System" and are asked to answer essay test questions, such as why they are interested in joining the Space Force.
A team of officials from the Space Force headquarters and the Air Force Recruiting Service - known as the "Board of Watchers" - evaluates applicants and selects those who will be sent to basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland. After basic military training, maintainers continue technical training in space program operations at Vandenberg Space Base, California.
Patricia Mulcahy, Space Force chief executive officer, said the board "looks beyond the entrance exams of applicants to see if they are not only qualified, but will be a good fit for the team's culture and environment." they build".
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Thomas noted that Space Force recruits — with an average age of 22 1/2 and some college education — are slightly older and more educated than those in the Air Force.
Of the 395 applicants, 100% are US citizens and 36% have at least one semester of college, including 11% with a bachelor's degree. All had high ASVAB scores. "So it's a very educated group, with more knowledge, and higher skills," said Thomas. "The Space Force is getting a very high quality recruit."
The next challenge is to attract more women, says Thomas. Only 20% of Space Force recruits last year were women, compared to 25% for the Air Force. Gender inequality and racism are "one of the areas we are working hard on," Thomas said.
Also controversial are the changes proposed by Raymond, who says the Space Force should have more flexibility in recruiting. In a recent document, the Space Force pointed out that existing military recruitment models are designed to bring in large numbers of people and train them in narrowly defined and limited skills, and that model does not fit the needs of the Space Force.
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Thomas said the Air Force offers exceptions and waivers to current service requirements on a case-by-case basis, and broader changes are being discussed.
A health crisis may take soldiers, Marine Corps, or Air Force personnel who are scheduled to be deployed overseas to areas where they may not be able to receive medical care. Space Force rangers won't be deployed far from home at the same rate, Thomas said. "So there may be certain medical conditions that may be more appropriate for a pilot or a soldier that may not require a guardianship exemption."
Most air force officers are graduates of the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. About 1,000 students graduate each year, about 10% of whom will enter the space force. A small number of officers are ROTC graduates or assigned to the Air Force Officer Training School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. Our website uses cookies to deliver a safer, faster and more personalized site experience. By using our site you agree to our use of cookies. Read our privacy policy for more information.
17 selectees from 11 different countries took the Pledge of Allegiance during the 2019 Naturalization Ceremony at the Commander's Main Chapel, Fleet Activities Yokosuka. (Photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Tyler Fraser/Navy)
The Pentagon Will Allow Undocumented Immigrants To Join The Us Military
Joined several other military services and immigration advocacy groups in a recent letter to leaders on Capitol Hill seeking legal solutions to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as it affects soldiers and their families.
The Supreme Court recently ruled to uphold the DACA program. DACA provides protection for people known as "Dreamers" - undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. This program allows them to apply for a waiver and work permit if they do not have a bad criminal record.
There are approximately 800 DACA recipients serving in the US military through the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) program. Immigrant military members contribute critical skills that keep our military running, including language translation and medical services.
As the military services strive for recruitment and retention, it is important to remember these contributions. A 2017 study by the Migration Policy Institute estimated that approximately 71,000 Dreamers could use military service as a path to citizenship if the law is not passed.
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"We celebrate with the hundreds of military members who have DACA, their families and other military dependents," said Ali Noorani, president and CEO of the National Immigration Forum, the leading voice for immigrant military members. "At the same time, we need Congress to pass a resolution that provides lasting certainty and allows more Dreamers to register and work." We are grateful for the overwhelming support of DACA military members from military and veterans organizations. We will continue to need your advocacy to make a legislative solution a reality."
In 2019, it also filed a statement on the record highlighting this issue and others affecting immigrant military members, veterans and their families.
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